
Village & Panchayats

Gram panchayats are panchayats at base level in panchayat raj institutions (or PRIs), governed by the73rd Amendment, which is concerned with Rural Local Governments.

The gram panchayat is divided into wards and each ward is represented by a Ward Member, also referred to as a Panchayat Member, who is directly elected by the villagers. The panchayat is chaired by the president of the village, known as a Pradhan/Sarpanch. The term of the elected representatives is five years. The Secretary of the panchayat is a non-elected representative, appointed by the state government, to oversee panchayat activities.

Blockwise no. of panchayats and villages are as :

Sl.No. Block Name No. of Nyay Panchayat No. of Gram Panchayat No. of Villages
1 Pauri 6 63 214
2 Kot 7 69 266
3 Kaljikhal 9 87 274
4 Khirsu 3 43 146
5 Pabo 7 74 158
6 Thalisain 7 107 224
7 Bironkhal 10 102 267
8 Nanidanda 10 88 304
9 ekeshwar 10 82 269
10 Pokhra 6 58 137
11 Rikhnikhal 6 81 190
12 Jaiharikhal 9 73 236
13 Dwarikhal 10 97 232
14 Dugadda 10 102 292
15 Yamkeshwar 8 86 238
Total 118 1212 3447