World Tobacco Prohibition Day
- Start: 31/05/2018
- End: 31/05/2018
Today, on the occasion of World Tobacco Prohibition Day, for the purpose of realizing the concept of “life is pleasurable, leave tobacco brother, select life not tobacco”,organized an awareness program under the chairmanship of District Magistrate Mr. Sushil Kumar in the auditorium of Government Inter College, Pauri. The District Magistrate said that the consumption of tobacco is reduced man’s age, hence the advice of not using tobacco. He said that the trend of addiction of tabacco is increasing fast in youth and children, which requires to be alert. We have to avoid drunkenness. Because of this, small diseases take the form of deadly diseases. While we spend money on the consumption of tobacco, then we are spending money on tobacco-related illnesses. He told that through awareness program we have to make more awareness about the causes of tobacco. He said that this will not be solved only by making laws of tobacco prohibition and penalties and punishment. For this, we have to make people aware in our schoo, town, village and society.
On this occasion,District Magistrate also administered the oath of non-smoking of tabacco to the people present and started the signature campaign. In the program, District Nodal Officer, NTCP / Additional Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Narendra Kumar Tyagi gave information about the various diseases caused by tobacco intake. He said that 54 lakh people died annually due to tabacco in the world and six deaths in eight of the world are from tobacco intake. He said that 48 percent of men and 20 percent females consumed tobacco in India during the year. As a result, more than two thousand five hundered people die from tobacco in India. Not only this, 40 percent of cancer in India is due to tobacco intake. He told that more than 5000 youths start consuming tobacco every day in India. In which tobacco is consumed by teenagers and youth of 15 to 24 years. He said that it is possible to quit tobacco, there is no time limit for leaving it, but it can be left at any time. He said that there is bad effect on the person who consumes tobacco as well as his family. He informed that no smoking in public places as per Tobacco Control Act 2003. Fines can be imposed of two thousand rupees for smoking at these places. He told that there is a ban on all types of advertisements of tobacco, for which one thousand rupees or jail or both can be. He said that the sale of tobacco in the 100 square meter area of ??educational places is restricted and the fine of two hundred rupees is fixed for selling tobacco products to those whose age is less than 18 years. Apart from this, there is a fine of Rs. 5000 or a jail or both, if no information on health information is printed on all tobacco products.
District Magistrate awarded to winning students of speech, painting and poetry competition organized by District Tobacco Control Cell. Saksham Tiwari stayed in first place, Dharmapal in second and Shubham Bisht in third place in the speech contest. Similarly, Shubham Bisht first in the painting, Archie Rawat second and Rishabh Bhandari were third. Apart from this, Nikhil Rawat first, Aman Rawat second and Hrithik Rawat were third in poetry competition. Apart from this, five students were appointed as Tobacco Denied Volunteer for monitoring tobacco prohibition on students in schools. In the awareness program organized on the occasion of World Tobacco Prohibition Day, Chief Medical Officer Dr. BS Jangpangi, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ajit Mohan Johari, Block Education Officer Mr. DP Kala, Principal GIC Mr. Vimal Bahuguna and officials associated with the Health Department, school staff, students and teachers teachers were present.

District Magistrate, Garhwal lighting the lamp to start the program.

The District Magistrate administers oath to all the students present in the program and not to eat tobacco.